Struggling with Fat Loss?

Here are some possible reasons why…

Unrealistic timeline.
Diet culture often has us thinking that we have to burn fat quickly. You are expecting speedy results and quit because it's taking too long. Crash dieting mentality leads us to think that faster is better. In reality, Sustainable fat loss happens gradually over time.

Lack of planning.
I can’t stress enough the importance of tracking your intake if fat loss is a goal. Eyeballing and guesstimating is not going to do it. Most people have no idea how much calories they are taking in within a day. Prepping your meals in advance will put you at a much better place in terms of adhering to your daily targets. Dining out makes it difficult to account for what you are eating.

Extreme dieting It is important that you are getting nutrition from whole foods sources across all macronutrients. All of these food groups provide you with energy, vitamins and nutrients. Things such as cutting out entire food groups or restricting calories can lead to cravings and binge eating.

Ignoring Biofeedback
Your body gives you cues that are key to understanding how your nutrition impacts your overall well-being. Stress management, sleep, and recovery are very important factors to consider. Your body also needs time to repair and recover.

If you want a customized approach - one that supports your goals and gives you the accountability to stick to them - then book a free strategy call here.

We'll discuss your goals, challenges, and what you've tried so far. From there, we can figure out what the missing piece is that is keeping you from reaching your goals and come up with a plan for nutrition strategy, workouts, and accountability.

In Health,




Let’s fire up that metabolism!


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